Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), also referred to as hyperandrogenic anovulation (HA), or Stein–Leventhal syndrome is a symptom complex of multifactorial and polygenic pathology characterized by hyperandrogenism, ovulatory dysfunction, and polycystic ovarian morphologic features.
M/C endocrine disorder of women of reproductive age
M/C pathological cause for hirsutism in women
M/C cause of rapid-onset hirsutism: Testosterone producing tumour
M/C cause of anovulatory infertility
Multi- factorial and polygenic aetiology:
Aetiology of PCOS appears to be ‘multi- factorial and polygenic’. Both nature and nurture seem to play a role in contributing to PCOS. It has been found to cluster in families, particular in those with history of polycystic ovaries (PCO), non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and breast cancer. Meanwhile, excessive intake of excitatory amino acids that can affect the pituitary regulation of the ovary cycles such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as pesticides, and sedentary lifestyle are also believed to result in PCOS.
Idiopathic (M/C)
Lack of exercise
Family history of PCOS
M/C gene mutation: Cyp 21 gene
Insulin resistance
Syndromic associations:
These usually result in exaggerated phenotypes of PCOS
HAIR-AN syndrome (hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans)
Metabolic X syndrome
Androgen excess: Central event in the pathogenesis of PCOS
PCOS is characterized by hypothalamic–pituitary–ovary axis dysfunction and anovulation but, unlike other causes of ovulatory failure that feature insufficient ovarian follicle growth or suppressed gonadotropin secretion (or both), PCOS typically includes androgen excess and subtle alterations (not detected by routine tests) in serum levels of gonadotropins and estrogens. PCOS is characterized by increased levels of circulating androgen, polycystic ovarian morphology (PCOM), arrested follicle development, and anovulatory infertility.
The syndrome is also associated with persistently rapid gonadotropin-releasing hormone pulses, an excess of luteinizing hormone, and insufficient follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion, which contribute to excessive ovarian androgen production and ovulatory dysfunction.
↑ Gonadotropins → ↑ GnRH pulse frequency → ↑ LH/FSH ratio (2:1) → ↑ Androgens
Follicular arrest:
Insulin resistance:
Insulin resistance, and compensatory hyperinsulinemia enhances ovarian (and adrenal) androgen production and increases androgen bioavailability through reduced levels of sex hormone–binding globulin.
The symptomatic presentation of PCOS usually varies with age, young women mainly complaining of reproductive and psychological problems while older women complaining of metabolic symptoms
More than 80% of women presenting with symptoms of androgen excess have PCOS
Hirsutism (M/C, 70% cases): Excess terminal hair in a male pattern of distribution
Sites: Lower abdomen, nipples, chin & upper lip
Menstrual disturbances:
30% of women with PCOS will have normal menses. Approximately 85%–90% of women with oligomenorrhea have PCOS while 30%–40% of women with amenorrhea will have PCOS
90%–95% of anovulatory women presenting to infertility clinics have PCOS
Dysmenorrhoea (increased estrone)
Oligo/amenorrhea cycles: ≤ 8/year (90% cases)
Associated metabolic morbidities:
PCOS is associated with high rates of glucose intolerance resulting from defects in insulin action and β-cell function. Obesity substantially exacerbates these defects so obese reproductive-age women with PCOS are at very high rates of glucose intolerance.
Insulin resistance:
Acanthosis nigrans
DM-2 (10% cases)
Obesity (low adiponectin levels)
Case study
Short term complications:
Irregular menstrual cycles
Long-term complications:
Endometrial carcinoma (↑ estrone)
Breast cancer
Diabetic mellitus
Cardiovascular disesase
Obesity complications:
Sleep apnoea
Diabetic mellitus
Metabolic syndrome
PCOS is a diagnosis of exclusion, based primarily on the presence of hyperandrogenism, ovulatory dysfunction and PCOM.
Diagnostic criteria:
Diagnostic criteria for PCOS have been offered by 3 groups. Each issuing group considers PCOS a diagnosis of exclusion, and other diagnoses, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, nonclassic adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing syndrome, androgen-secreting tumor, idiopathic hyperandrogenism, idiopathic hirsutism, hyperprolactinemia, and thyroid disorders must be excluded.
National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Disease (NIH/NICHD) | 1992
European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology/American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ESHRE/ASRM) “Rotterdam criteria” | 2004
Androgen Excess and PCOS Society | 2006
Rotterdam criteria:
At Least 2 criterias required
Rotterdam criteria divided the disease into four phenotypes:
Frank/classic polycystic ovary PCOS (chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries)
Classic non-polycystic ovary PCOS (chronic anovulation, hyperandrogenism, and normal ovaries)
Non-classic ovulatory PCOS (regular menstrual cycles, hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries)
Non-classic mild or normoandrogenic PCOS (chronic anovulation, normal androgens, and polycystic ovaries)
Modified Ferriman-Gallway index:
9 sites examined for hirsutism. Score of ≥ 8 diagnostic (maximum score 36)
2-h glucose challenge test:
Considering the baseline defects in insulin sensitivity and secretion in PCOS and the deleterious impact of obesity on these measures, women with this condition are expected to have a high prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), defined by a 2h post-challenge glucose level 140–200 mg/dl and type 2 diabetes.
Transvaginal sonography (TVS):
Multiple (≥ 12) cysts measuring 2-9mm
“Chain of pearl” or “ring of pearls” appearance in ovaries
Treatment should be tailored to the complaints and needs of the patient and involves targeting metabolic abnormalities through lifestyle changes, medication and potentially surgery for the prevention and management of excess weight, androgen suppression and/or blockade, endometrial protection, reproductive therapy and the detection and treatment of psychological features.
Medical management:
Menstrual disturbances: OCPs
Obesity: Lifestyle modifications
Insulin resistance: Metformin
Hirsutism/acne: OCP + cyproterone acetate
Infertility: Clomiphene citrate
Surgical management:
Indicated in failed medical therapy, ovarian hyperstimulation, infertility or previous pregnancy losses. Surgery restores endocrine milieu and improves fertility for a year or so. After a year, pelvic adhesions may reduce the fertility.
Laparoscopic drilling of ≤ 4 cysts in each ovary by laser/unipolar electrocautery
2 replies on “Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS/PCOD)”
Your caricatures of the ovary is highly offensive, it does not depict all what is PCOS there are some who are deeply affected who are skinny, who experience this at a young age due to genetics. Not to mention a A lot of woman in the pcos community feel ugly to just see it in that context just adds to the problem.
Read the article. Most of the things described are in percentages (as with all the other articles) because that’s how we’re built and are still just understanding the human body.
The cover image is just a brief representation of the syndrome. I haven’t dealt with the entirety of the disease as it’s beyond the scope of the website. This article is just a brief introduction for anyone interested in learning about the disease.
Taking offence on a medical article is simply absurd as nothing on this website has anything to do with people’s opinions or feelings. This is just a portal for brief self-contained explanations of the various human diseases. You can always choose not to visit the website if you’re offended by the contents of the website.
2 replies on “Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS/PCOD)”
Your caricatures of the ovary is highly offensive, it does not depict all what is PCOS there are some who are deeply affected who are skinny, who experience this at a young age due to genetics. Not to mention a A lot of woman in the pcos community feel ugly to just see it in that context just adds to the problem.
Read the article. Most of the things described are in percentages (as with all the other articles) because that’s how we’re built and are still just understanding the human body.
The cover image is just a brief representation of the syndrome. I haven’t dealt with the entirety of the disease as it’s beyond the scope of the website. This article is just a brief introduction for anyone interested in learning about the disease.
Taking offence on a medical article is simply absurd as nothing on this website has anything to do with people’s opinions or feelings. This is just a portal for brief self-contained explanations of the various human diseases. You can always choose not to visit the website if you’re offended by the contents of the website.